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Helipad 1.3 Improves Visualization Flexibility

Helipad 1.3 is out now with a number of bug fixes and improvements to visualizations. Most importantly, you can mix and match time series and other visualizations, and you can display networks on spatial models now.

Network and Spatial Improvements

Most significantly, the spatial beta advances with the merging of the class formerly known as SpatialPlot into NetworkPlot, allowing the display of network connections on a patch grid. The spatial layout, which displays agent positions on the patch grid, is now available as a new network layout when a spatial model has been initialized. Other layouts can still be rotated through with the ‘l’ key to see the network structure without the patch geometry (for non-spatial models, the network visualizer will skip the spatial layout when rotating layouts). The new NetworkPlot class is fully backward-compatible with existing code for both model types.

A 5×1 patch grid with an undirected network shown on the agents.

This brings a number of benefits to both types of models, even when displaying a non-spatial network or a non-networked spatial model. First, for network models, node size can now be linked to an agent property, as had been possible in spatial models since 1.2. Network display can also be more extensively customized (e.g. labels can be toggled and customized) with the config() method previously used in the Spatial visualizer, and the config() method can now take a dict of key-value option pairs rather than calling it for every option.

For spatial models, the aspect ratio of the patches can now be customized, as in the above example, where the aspect is set to 2. And, of course, a network can be superimposed on agents as they move along the map now.

The NetworkNodeClick and SpatialAgentClick hooks have both been deprecated and replaced by a general agentClick hook, and spatialPatchClick with patchClick for consistency.

Time Series Plots Available in the Charts Visualizer

Time series plots alongside a spatial map in the Charts visualizer.
The time bar is scrubbed to t=66, which is indicated by the
vertical line in the time series plots.

When the extensible visualization API was introduced in Helipad 1.2, synchronic visualizations were handled by Charts, and diachronic visualizations with TimeSeries, despite the fact that both were able to be subdivided into plots (though slightly differently).

In Helipad 1.3, the TimeSeriesPlot class now subclasses ChartPlot, so time series can be mixed and matched with other synchronic visualizations like networks and bar charts.

Some functionality does differ from the TimeSeries visualizer to the Charts visualizer, since the former can treat time series as first-class citizens. First, TimeSeries stacks the plots, whereas Charts places them in squares. Second, the time scrubbing in Charts displays a vertical line to indicate the scrubbed time, so the entire series is always in view. Events continue to be displayed with a flash of the background, rather than vertical lines on the time series, as in the TimeSeries visualizer. Finally, automatic resolution change is not supported in the Charts visualizer.

Nevertheless, for models that require mixed visualizations, this added flexibility should open up new possibilities.

More Advanced Goods API

A new props argument on model.addGood() allows agents to hold various properties per good, making for more organized code in certain types of models. This is different from per-good parameters, which are set globally per-good, rather than per-agent per-good. For example an agent might have a reserve quantity, a minimum price, and a surplus for each good:

def maxReserve(breed): return random.randint(1,2000)
heli.addGood('sugar', '#FFFF00', props={'reserve': maxReserve, 'price': 1, 'surplus': False})
heli.addGood('water', '#00FFFF', props={'reserve': maxReserve, 'price': 1, 'surplus': False})

This gives agents 'reserve', 'price', and 'surplus' properties for each of the two goods, and sets the initial values in the same manner as the endowment argument (i.e. it can take a number, a tuple to sample from a normal distribution, or a function).

The quantity of the good held by the agent can be accessed normally with agent.stocks[good], so this new feature is fully backward-compatible with existing code. But other properties can now be accessed with a two-argument index. agent.stocks[good, 'reserve'], for example, will return the value of the agent’s 'reserve' property of the good. Agents’ good properties can be set this way too.

Other Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • An agent.transfer() method to move sub-agents in a multi-level model from one MultiLevel object to another.
  • The Charts visualizer now adds a checkgrid parameter allowing its plots to be individually toggled, similarly to TimeSeries.
  • Improved event handling at the plot level rather than at the visualizer level. Now ChartPlot subclasses can handle keypresses, mouse clicks, and item pick events without having to negotiate with the entire visualizer canvas (this will be mainly useful for those creating new visualizations by subclassing ChartPlot).
  • Patches are now created before other agent primitives in spatial models, so the agentPosition hook can reference patches.
  • Fixed a visual bug in some versions of Tkinter with global checkbox parameters.
  • Fixed a bug where some agents could be skipped when other agents have died that period.
  • Avoided a Matplotlib bug that was introduced in 3.4.0 and fixed in 3.4.2.

API Changes in Version 1.3

  • ⚠️ agentClickIntroduced to replace both spatialAgentClick and networkNodeClick following the merge of the spatial and network visualizers.
  • ⚠️ patchClickRenamed from spatialPatchClick following the merge of the spatial and network visualizers.
  • baseAgentAdded the fixed static property.
  • activeMoved from TimeSeriesPlot to ChartPlot as the former now subclasses the latter; now available to all ChartPlot visualizers.
  • TimeSeriesPlotNow subclasses ChartPlot for compatibility with the Charts visualizer.
  • MPLEventIntroduced.
  • transferIntroduced.
  • configAllow passing a dict of key-value pairs.
    Added the agentLabel and lockLayout parameters.
  • AgentsPlotMerged SpatialPlot into the Network visualizer to allow displaying network connections on a patch grid.
  • addAdded the props argument.
  • GoodReplaced the endowment property with the more general props. The value formerly contained in endowment can be accessed in good.props['quantity'].
  • SeriesMade the legend objects accessible with the legline and legtext properties, and added visibility controls with the visible property and the toggle() method.
  • addSeriesAdded the visible argument.
  • agentTransferIntroduced.