Reference 〉 Class


Stores data on series, which link a reporter to a plot. Do not instantiate directly; use TimeSeriesPlot.addSeries() instead.


Click a method name for more detailed documentation.

  • toggle( )

    Toggles the visibility of the series: if series.visible==True, it hides it; if False, it shows it.

Object Properties

  • reporter str|func(int)

    A reference to a previously registered reporter, or a function that takes the model time (int) as its only argument and returns a numeric. See data.addReporter().

  • label str

    The name of the series to be displayed in the legend on the plot.

  • color Color

    The color of the series, stored as a Color object.

  • style str

    Allows for alternatives to solid lines, such as dotted lines. Default value produces a solid line. See Matplotlib linestyle reference for possible values.

  • subseries list[Series]

    Subsidiary series that should be treated as a group, for example percentile lines.

  • plot str

    The name of the TimeSeriesPlot to which the series is attached.

  • fdata list

    The data to be drawn to screen. This is not the same as the data in the corresponding column of Data.all; it updates only on refresh intervals, and will drop intermediate values when the resolution changes. This property is added when the TimeSeries object is initialized and the series is drawn to screen.

  • visible bool

    Whether the series is to be drawn when the plot window launches, or – if it has launched – whether the series is currently visible. The visiblility of the series can be set by setting this property. It is ignored for stackplots, the visibility of whose components cannot be toggled.

    Initial value: True

  • line matplotlib.Line2D

    The Matplotlib Line2D object corresponding to the series. This property is added when the TimeSeries object is initialized and the series is drawn to screen. Note that if the plot is a stackplot, this property exists only to draw the legend, and will not be drawn itself. In this case the drawn series is contained in series.poly.

  • poly matplotlib.PolyCollection

    If the plot is a stackplot, this property is the stacked polygon drawn to the plot area. Otherwise this property will not exist.

  • legline matplotlib.Line2D

    The Matplotlib Line2D object corresponding to the line in the legend. This property will not exist for subseries (e.g. percentile marks).

  • legtext matplotlib.Text

    The Matplotlib Text object corresponding to the label in the legend. This property will not exist for subseries (e.g. percentile marks).

Notes and Examples

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