Reference 〉 Class

textCheck(parenttkinter.FrameNone, textstrNone, bgtuple(str,str)('#FFFFFF','#419BF9'), fgtuple(str,str)('#333333','#FFFFFF'), fonttuple(str,int)('Lucida Grande',12), defaultValueboolFalse, anchorstr'w', descstrNone)

A Tkinter toggle control semantically similar to a checkbox, but draws as an overlay on top of the label, rather than a box beside the label, in order to at the same time be more compact and provide a larger clickable area. Used as part of the checkGrid class, in the plot list in the control panel.

textCheck is a subclass of tkinter.Label, so all the properties and methods available to that class are also available here. These are not listed.

Note that this is a Tkinter widget and thus will not work in other frontends like Jupyter notebooks. The recommended way to use textChecks within a checkGrid is with the higher-level Params.add() instead, setting the type parameter to 'checkgrid' and the opts parameter to a dict of name-label pairs.

WARNING: This is an internal class. Its use in user code is not recommended or supported, and its signature can change in future updates without warning. Use one of the suggested functions above instead, if applicable.

Initialization Parameters

  • parent tkinter.Frame, optional

    The Tkinter frame to which the text check should be attached.

    Default value: None

  • text str, optional

    The label to be used for the text check.

    Default value: None

  • bg tuple(str,str), optional

    A pair of hex colors corresponding to the background colors for the active and inactive states, respectively.

    Default value: ('#FFFFFF','#419BF9')

  • fg tuple(str,str), optional

    A pair of hex colors corresponding to the text colors for the active and inactive states, respectively.

    Default value: ('#333333','#FFFFFF')

  • font tuple(str,int), optional

    A font name/size pair.

    Default value: ('Lucida Grande',12)

  • defaultValue bool, optional

    The initial value of the text check.

    Default value: False

  • anchor str, optional

    The cardinal direction toward which the element should be anchored.

    Default value: 'w'

  • desc str, optional

    The text to display in a tooltip.

    Default value: None


Click a method name for more detailed documentation.

  • disable( )

    Disable the textCheck element so it cannot be interacted with by the user.

  • disabled( disable )

    Enables or disables the textCheck element. This function is aliased by both textCheck.enable() and textCheck.disable().

  • enable( )

    Enables the textCheck element so that it can be interacted with by the user.

  • get( )

    Returns the boolean value of the text check element. This function is equivalent to checking the value of textCheck.value.

  • set( value )

    Sets the value of the text check element. This function does nothing if the text check is disabled. See textCheck.enabled.

  • toggle( )

    Activates the text check if it is deactivated, or deactivates it if it is active.

    Note that the function signature takes one optional argument, a Tkinter event string, in order to be used as a callback for a click event. This argument is not used in the function.

Object Properties

  • bg tuple(Color,Color)

    A pair of background colors corresponding to the active and inactive states for an enabled element, respectively.

  • fg tuple(Color,Color)

    A pair of text colors corresponding to the active and inactive states for an enabled element, respectively.

  • disabledbg tuple(Color,Color)

    A pair of background colors corresponding to the active and inactive states for a disabled element, respectively.

  • disabledfg tuple(Color,Color)

    A pair of text colors corresponding to the active and inactive states for a disabled element, respectively.

  • value bool

    The activation state of the element.

  • enabled bool

    Whether or not the user can currently interact with the element.

Notes and Examples

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