Stores a color for use in graphing and control panel display. The object can be passed in lieu of a color name or RGB tuple anywhere a color is required; that is, in model.addBreed()
, Goods.add()
, and TimeSeriesPlot.addSeries()
This is not intended to be a fully-fledged color interface, and only provides the necessary functionality for Helipad internals. For conversions into other colorspaces and other utilities, use the functions in matplotlib.colors
or colorsys
Initialization Parameters
color — str|tuple, required
A hex string, a color name string (see the Matplotlib documentation for valid values), or an RGB tuple with ranges from 0.0 to 1.0.
Click a method name for more detailed documentation.
blend( color )
Creates a new color halfway between the existing color and another.
darken( )
Creates a new color, slightly darker than the original. Used for generating hover colors.
lighten( factor )
Creates a lighter secondary color from the existing color.
Object Properties
rgb — list[float]
A 3-item list of RGB values ranging from 0.0-1.0. Currently this is the only writable property.
, andb
properties are also available individually.hsv — list[float]
A 3-item list of HSV values ranging from 0.0-1.0. This property is not writable.
, andv
properties are also available individually.hex — str
A six-digit hex color string, prefixed with
Notes and Examples